April 23, 2024


This page will compile the patients ED ECMO helped to bring back to their lives and families.

Annie (May 2013) –

Annie photoAnnie was a 68 year old who arrested in our ED from a massive PE.  Over 60 min of CPR.  Another life saved using VA ECPR.  She is back to work full time as a costume designer at the La Jolla playhouse in San Diego, CA.

Full video of her arrest and recovery will be posted soon.  Here is the tweet I sent out after the news event when she was discharged:


 Ralph (2010)

Our First ECPR Case:

It was July 28, 2010. That morning Zack had just given our ER group a presentation on a “new” intervention: ECMO.

Zack and Joe were on shift that same night.  The radio call came in: 59 yr old male with chest pain, EKG shows ***Acute MI***.  Minutes later the medics came back on the radio with this message: “Sharp, be aware your patient just coded.” Here is the actual radio call (with subtitles):

Ralph radio call – “your patient just coded!” from Joe Bellezzo on Vimeo.

Ralph was in refractory VFIB. Zack threw everything at him: every drug in the code box and an uncountable number of shocks – all unsuccessful. Joe and Zack put Ralph on ECMO. His case was initially thought to be unsurvivable and he was taken to the ICU, where he began moving and checking his watch! So he was taken to the cath lab and his 100% LAD lesion was stented.  9 days later Ralph walked out of the hospital (refusing to take a wheelchair).  Ralph is alive and well.  We do a yearly 5k event at Thanksgiving every year. In return, we’ve forced Ralph into a state of persistent guilt and retribution…and make him to come with us to various speaking events!!!!

In late 2010, we presented Ralph’s case at Grand Rounds at USC…and as always we guilted Ralph into coming along.  Mel Herbert recorded that event and put together a little video about his story.  Here is Mel’s video (note that the credits at the end should say “Sharp” hospital, not “Scripps”):

“The Story of Ralph” – 2010 – By Mel Herbert MD from Joe Bellezzo on Vimeo.

***Many thanks to Mel Herbert and EM:RAP for allowing us to share his video on our site!


Around the same time our hospital produced a video on Ralph’s story as well. Here is that video:

July 2010: ECPR saves a patient in refractory V-Fib from Joe Bellezzo on Vimeo.