December 29, 2024
In this episode you'll hear why we started the EDECMO project and a little bit about what we hope to offer.

In this episode you’ll hear why we started the EDECMO project and a little bit about what we hope to offer.

3 thoughts on “Episode 0 – About the EDECMO Project and the Hosts

  1. Probably the most common question we get involves how to start an ECMO program de novo. Weingart is experiencing that exact thing right now.

    Julian Owen, from Canada, asked this very common question: “What’s the best way to get this kind of experience in a center that does not currently have ECMO? I know I’ve spoken to Dr. Shinar at a conference a little while back about these same dilemmas, but if you can suggest a way to get some experience with this stuff (even coming down to your center and seeing how you do things), please let me know.”

    My response: One reason we’ve started this project in the first place was to address the exact concerns and thoughts you are having. We are trying to provide a virtual-fellowship by teaching the entire process of ECPR through the site. My best recommendation is to find an active ECMO program in your community/hospital and get involved there. I started by shadowing in the ICU and cath lab when they were doing ECMO cases. I hooked up with one of our interventional cardiologists and asked him to call me whenever he had a case going. That’s a good starting point.

  2. Joe, Zack and Scott! Thanks for starting this blog! I think it’s time for more specialized sites like, this one focusing mainly on ED ECMO. I’m currently working in a University hospital in Norway that does have ECMO, but seems kind of shy about it. It’s not used as much as we could have, and it feels like it gets initiated a little late in the course of a downward spiraling patient.

    The great part is being in a center that does ECMO. It will only grow and get bigger and more utilized.

    In our center we certainly don’t initiate in the ED, but take patients to the OR for the cardiothoracic surgeons to put in the cannulas. This is based on tradition, as they are the guys who put people on pumps when we just had the big bypass machines. Today, with Maquet’s small Cardiohelp and cannulas easily inserted by people familiar with Seldinger’s, it could be taken much wider. And you seem set to touch on all of these subjects.

    Of course, one of the most important things before running around with ECMO cannulas is to learn who will benefit. Who has reversible causes where ECMO can help.

    The other part is how to get this started. How to propose setting it up logistically in an efficient and responsible way. So it’ll be great to hear your thoughts on setting up ED ECMO programs.

    Lastly, I’m looking forward to general tips and tricks to help with a flying start in ECMO – and probably a few good case stories along the way. Hopefully both the tricky ones that weren’t so smooth as well as the success stories.

    I hope I can bring something similar to your program into my hospital and be part of it. So it’ll be great to hear first hand from someone who’s walked that road before. I also know a lot of work goes into a blog like this, so thank you for sharing! I’m looking forward to following you guys – thanks for pushing the envelope!

    1. Thomas, Thanks for all the great comments. ECMO will be an integral component of the successful resuscitation of appropriate patients in future. We hope to contribute to the body of information on how to make it happen.

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